Get Fair Compensation with the Best Labor and Employment Law Firm NYC

Tremiti Law Firm LLC is offering the most comprehensive as well as genuinely affordable legal representation to individuals who had faced any kind of discrimination or harassment as workplace. We offer legal service to businesses and employers as well and assist them in a number of employment and immigration matters. These cases include reviewing employment and safety policies and ensuring compliance with all local laws. If you are finding employment attorney NYC solutions at affordable charges, you may contact us.

There is no doubt that at the moment the global economy has almost collapsed due to spreading COVID-19 and the current employment scenario practically seems unstable and uncertain. Seeing the already spanned unemployment in large countries, your fear of losing the current job may be neutral.

While there are not many law firms active in these tough times, Tremiti is dedicated to providing timely service to its long-term as well as new clients. We are still available to handle critical matters like unreasonable, constructive or wrongful termination. We know that it is the time to stay inside and prefer health and safety of the society. But, at the same time, if you’re feeling unsecure or discriminated about your employment, we can take your case with pride. You can trust our labor and employment law firm in NYC for cases related to employment/labor laws, business immigration, and OSHA Law.

Finding a worthy job that would provide you with a decent income is a rather difficult task indeed. After all, you will need to make sure that your skills and expertise are going to be appreciated properly. Nevertheless, it is also very important, crucial even, to make sure that you are not hastening forward and you take your time to make sure that all the paperwork is in order with the help of an employment attorney.

At times, the employers need to minimize the number of people that will be working for them and they are prepared to terminate your employment at their will and whenever they want. This can be a tough decision for an employer to lay off an old (but unfit at the moment) employee. They may face a potential workers’ compensation lawsuit.

Whether you’re an employee or employer, our labor and employment law firm NYC can help with competent and experienced legal representation.
